Rodrigo Hermes já está entre os gregos …
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Treinem o inglês traduzindo o que ele disse para o site oficial do BEC2007:
“Finished 2nd place in the Catalonia Open, made Hermes Rodrigo travel further to Greece on his recent European trip. In preparation for the 2007 Pan American Games, he chose some EBT Tournaments to participate. Due to the lack of money, he did not show up on some events, but found ALCICLA to finance his trip to Spain. With the prize money won there, he made it to the next stop, the Brunswickeurochallenge. Out of 3 Mio. people in Brazil, only 1.000 are registered Bowlers. Hermes is also thankful to his family, supporting him on this exceptional Bowling Career.”
1.000 registered bowlers in Brazil? Olha só como o Rodrigo foi otimista …